This was written in August, I just never got around to posting it... Oh well! It can bring us back to summer for a little while! I know I miss the summertime!
I just got back from a nice, relaxing, vacation at the beach! Just in time, since school starts this week... That's right, I'm going to public school! This will be a new endeavor for me, which is both exciting and nerve-wracking. 8th grade, here I come! But back to my vacation (excuse my easily distractible brain). It was a family vacation/reunion to celebrate my dad and grandma's birthdays! Our family has some exceptional cooks, and each family made dinner for one night! For the birthday party night, my uncle made one of the best meals I've ever eaten. It was Filet Mignon (aka beef tenderloin. aka the best piece of meat. EVER.) with a gorgonzola cream sauce (I didn't even know I
liked gorgonzola!) and scalloped potatoes (cheesy, gooey, potatoey goodness, aka a heart attack on a plate)! Absolutely phenomenal! Some other cool food-related things we did/ate:
- We caught, picked, and ate some Blue Crab! we tried catching the crabs at various locations, with no success, but then we found the perfect spot! I had never actually eaten crab before, but it was delicious!
- We went to a seafood shack to look around, and guess what? Part of Forest Gump was filmed there! So cool!
-We had a Chopped competition with my aunt and uncle! Unfortunately, my dad and I didn't win... but it was still really fun!
-My dad took me to an old-school shrimp shack to get some fresh, South Carolina shrimp! It was cool, but let me tell you, it reeked! |